Category: Blog

Make your website work for you!

A Rose By any Other Domain Name

A Rose by Any Other Domain Name

Might not smell or test as sweet. Registering a domain name is fairly simple and relatively cheap, but there are a few important details to keep in mind when you are deciding on what your domain name should be. The most important things are simple: keep it short, unique and relevant to your company. If […]

Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash

Two years later, what the Exploit Fest of 2014 Taught us…

WordPress Joomla Drupal, Magento .  You name the CMS  2014 was a big year for bots, brute force attack hacks and vulnerabilities, and unfortunately two years later, it seems that the uptick seen in 2014 was just an introduction to the future. Of course the internet has long been a place where this happens, and […]

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

This Just In, add GEO Tags!

Adding Geo Tags is often overlooked. Maybe one of the reasons that its so overlooked is that Google doesn’t officially include it in their algorithms, or if they do, nobody is talking about it yet. In the video below, we get Google’s Matt Cutts explaining the importance of GEO in results, but that meta tags […]

Further Notes on H1 tags

Just a quick update on this subject. I would like to preface this with, I am by no means an SEO “guru” or marketer. However, I believe that to develop websites you have to to understand SEO and follow the best practices outlined by Google. So I try to incorporate current standards of optimization into […]

Pardon the Dust, Those Pesky H1 tags in TwentyFourteen

You might notice that the site is looking a bit wonky over the last few days, I have been working on a new child theme based on twenty-fourteen. And playing around with it in ways I would never do on a client site. I wasn’t going to create a new theme, I was just going […]

Website Security

Website security is essential It is just common sense.   In any serious business venture, you make sure that your business is secure, you lock the door when you leave, padlock the gates and take measures to keep your customer information, and company data safe and confidential. It is vital to take the security of your […]

Things to think about

Some questions to Ask Yourself before you go shopping for a website.  The answers will help you to understand important factors to determine which services, software, server and development options will fit your company website. 1) What role will this website play in your business? A point of contact and advertisement, similar to a yellow […]

Content Management Systems

Let’s just say everything on your website is content (pictures, videos, articles, links, products, etc.).  A “Content Management System” (often referred to by the acronym “CMS”) is software that helps manage content on your site.  You could just use static or custom-built pages to build your site, but for most companies, a uniform look and easily […]

Web-hosting Lesson Number Two Homework

Before you can choose a web-host, there are vital questions that you need to ask yourself to determine what server environment will best serve your needs. Which web-hosting company or even package to choose, should be based on answers to questions that only you can answer about your business.   You will need to consider […]