Hello world!

Welcome to Kat did it, this is my first post and design has commenced on katdidit.com version 2.0.  First version being a Drupal, done just for fun in red (my favorite color).  But after the fun was done, I knew that for my needs for this site, Drupal was a bit cumbersome and unnecessary. Don’t get me wrong, Drupal is a powerful tool, with many built in features that allow you to customize almost any feature or application that you can think of, the coding is elegant and it is well documented with robust development.  But unless you are have a need for customized rss feeds, unlimited content types, and other specialized functions that only Drupal allows, WordPress will work just as well, with about half of the programming time for most websites.

I chose WordPress for the new site because it is flexible and low maintenance, SEO savvy code. And well, this is, after all, just another blog.